Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cultural Heritage day.-

Hi readers, classmates or any person!
 If this post is free, is much more difficult because are many subjects to talk about!
I like to talk about movies, songs, books, life is the university, but I choose the cultural heritage day, because it passed recently and most of the people forget easily this topic. Well, to be honest, I almost forget it too.
But, it is incomprehensible in the Chileans, because, we have a very long country with a lot of cultural elements, not only the “cultural buildings and places” like museums, theaters, monuments, etc. We have also the people that make this culture; we have the food, dances, and more. We are fortunate with all this, since the north to the south; there are many, but MANY things to see in Chile.
In fact, in Santiago, we have some new cultural places like the Central market, Vega Central, until a bar (La Piojera), so there are no excuses!
Well, I think that you (Anthropologists) don’t forget this things, but is valid for remember, isn’t it?
If I had realized of this, I had liked to go to other places in the city, at least. I just saw an artistic show in Puente Alto, It was very good.
To finish this, I like to show some interesting places in Santiago (apart from museums, zoo and similar places):
-I had liked to visit some characteristic neighborhood like Yungay neighborhood
-Green bicycle tours to Forestal Park, Santa Lucía & San Cristóbal Hills.
-General Cemetery
-Trip around the city in the cultural bus.
Anyway, I left you a link: http://www.monumentos.cl/ to you see some places that could interest to you and to visit some of this days :)

I see you in the next post, take care.-

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Photo & the grandma's empanadas

Hello people, I hope you are well!
I want to say something before: I like to take photographs and I suppose that you also like this, it’s no surprise to me, because a good image is worth more than a thousand words (another cliché) About this picture, I have to say that it’s not my favorite, because I change my tastes all the time, but it’s very special to me, it’s simple & monochromatic.
I took this picture in September 2008, when I was on holiday (18th, September) and it shows to my grandmother kneading to make empanadas, delicious empanadas. I also helped to cook and eat them…
I like this picture because has a warm context; every time, when I see it, I have a home feeling and I like to think in all of this, in the day when I took it and things that I thought in that moment. I like the wrinkles on my grandmother hands, I think that give a symbolic sense to the picture, I don’t what do you say about the old age, but I love this hands in specific, they have a lot of time & work in each line, wrinkles. The hands almost confuse with the pastry, and this is one of the effects that I found in the photograph, the light in black & white, all of this picture is simple but it move me to memories and a lot years ago.
Well, I hope you like it too…
I see you in the next comment, I suppose.
Take care

Friday, May 13, 2011

Strike for Education, Fight for Education

Hello people!
Well, today, as a result of all the events which took place in the last weeks, I thought this matter (demonstrations) is indispensable to discuss. That’s why I thank to the teacher, for give us this space to express our opinions.
To start, I have to say this problem affects me in particular, because I have a scholarship and I began only this year in the university. I think this scholarship made possible that I had the possibility to come the university. If I didn’t have this scholarship, I don’t know how I can pay all this. Some or all of you must happen the same thing. Just the fact that our continuity in this place depends on the decisions of some persons, makes me anger. I feel much impotence, because all my expectations, and the expectations of any student, are reduced; and much more impotence because this important problem doesn’t matter for the society.
I still have not helped so much with the demonstrations, because the “university life” is still unclear to me, this is all new and I’m trying to adapt. I come from a modest (although it sounds a cliché) family and getting into the university is a real achievement for them. That’s why I reserve a little distance about this, I don’t want they worry about me (Yes, I’m a mama’s little girl :C). It doesn’t mean that I’m not interested.
Actually, few days ago, I registered in a committee with some classmates, to spread information about educational issues and our requests.
I didn’t go to the demonstration on Thursday, but I’ll join in future demonstrations.
I just want the government works with a little more coherence and realizes about decisions and their implications. Not only works to make rules, but make out this bleak outlook where students have to stay. I’d like that people think a little about every student and their families, and their debts, just for fact of we want to advance. Apparently, the education is not a priority for the government, but they are wrong. After all, we are going to be the work force someday; that’s why we need good education, as another people said, the education should be a right. Unfortunately, in our country, this appears a despicable and profitable business.
Well, I hope someday can see these things really could change, because I’m thinking in the future generations and I wouldn’t like to give them this exhausting legacy.
That’s all, it’s a long comment! be patient
Thanks & take care!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tour around London

How are you Peope?!

Today we are going to travel around London! First that everything, I would like to say this imaginary trip was very fun, because I can plan the places that I would like to know in truth, if I could go to there someday.
This homework was interesting, because it let meet this big city that I wasn’t notice before and I liked to do it. Besides, in Internet there are many web pages that tell us correct information about Museums, Palaces and another important places. This information is very useful for tourists and it’s so easy to found comfortable itineraries.
With this homework, I discovered some pieces of another culture and historic places. That’s why (I think) we found more interesting to know another cities, different societies and cultures, moreover because we are studying about that.
To finish this post, I must mention few inescapable places in the tourist guide of this city: The Big Ben tower, Westminster Abbey, cross the Abbey Road like one of the Beatles, Buckingham Palace and its singular guards, Tower of London, Tower Bridge and the Támesis River, Kew gardens and the wonderful greenhouses, shop in Camden Market, visit to different museums like Bristish Museum, Natural History Museum and Madame Tussauds’ Wax Museum and its famous figures.
If I think in this itinerary, I almost can be in London for a while, just a moment.

Well, I see you in the next post!